Upper Extremity Prosthetics

Amputation is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of an extremity or limb. Upper extremity amputations often times are a result of; trauma/injury, burns, peripheral vascular disease, tumors, infections, and congenital deformities. The most common upper extremity amputations performed are digit (finger) amputation. Although undergoing an upper extremity amputation introduces challenges for a patient, A Specialized Approach takes advantage of advancements in technology and the continued research in upper extremity prosthetics enabling individuals with upper extremity limb loss to experience increased success as everyday prosthetic users.

ASAProsthetics has experience with the complex fittings of above and below elbow myoelectric and conventional body powered prosthesis. In addition, ASAProsthetics has clinical experience fitting shoulder disartics as well as fitting individuals with digit and partial hand amputations.

Prosthetic solutions are available for the following upper extremity amputations.

  • Partial Hand / Digits
  • Below Elbow
  • Above Elbow
  • Shoulder Disarticulation
Partial Hand / Digits

A partial hand/digit amputation is the loss of part of your hand/finger below the wrist. A level of functionality must be determined by the patient and the prosthetist. An individual with a partial hand/finger amputation will elect to wear a prosthesis for a specific function. Aesthetic/cosmetic replacement, protection of the remaining limb, and specific grip needs are all reasons for prosthetic use. Prosthetic success at this amputation level is high when a patients functional needs are addressed.

Below Elbow (Transradial)

A below elbow (BE) amputation is the loss of the upper extremity between the wrist and the elbow, also known as a transradial amputation. A below elbow prosthesis can be made for different purposes; cosmetic, passive, and functional. A functional below elbow prosthesis can be operated by myoelectric parts or a body powered harness. The type of prosthesis an individual may be fit with is dependent on; shape of residual limb, length of the limb, functional ability, and individuals needs. Below elbow prosthetic use can be very successful with the continuing advancements in prosthetic technology.

Above Elbow (Transhumeral)

An above elbow (AE) amputation is the loss of the upper extremity between the elbow and the shoulder, also known as a transhumeral amputation. Above elbow prosthesis present the challenge of replacing both an elbow joint, as well as a hand. From a cosmetic replacement, passive arm, or a functional prosthesis, an above elbow prosthesis will be made to fit each individual’s needs and functional ability. A functional above elbow prosthesis can be operated by a body powered harness or myoelectric control. Above elbow prosthetic use can be very successful with the continuing advancements in prosthetic technology.

Shoulder Disarticulation

A shoulder disarticulation is the loss of the entire limb at the shoulder joint. Most shoulder disarticulations result from a tumor, followed by trauma/serious injury. The loss of upper extremity function following a shoulder disarticulation is significant. The rejection rate for shoulder disarticulation prosthesis is high. With pre prosthetic training, socket design, custom adjustments, and extensive training with the prosthesis, and individual can experience success as a shoulder disarticulation prosthetic user.